The Staveley Lime Kiln is an easy 10-15 minute walk from the car park at the top of Boyds road in Staveley. 40 Km from Ashburton and on the same road you would take to the Sharplin Falls track.
If you keep driving up Boyds road past the Sharplin Falls turn-off the road becomes gravel but it is only a short drive further to get to the car park. There are signs that include “No hunting” including a reminder that “I used to be allowed to hunt here” is not an excuse if you are caught - obviously it was added because of past experiences with people who think the rules don’t apply to them.
Then there is the bit that mentions following the markers to the lime kiln with “foot access only”. The first marker you see is a short green pole with a yellow top, in the middle of a fenced off triangle which has you wondering is this is actually “the” marker because nobody could walk in that area. It is the right marker and the beginning of the strangely laid out, partially hidden, makers to follow. Ignore the sign slightly higher up that says “Not start of walkway” because it must be referring to the other reference that says “Not Sharplin falls”. Once you round the bend to the left there‘s one of them on the right hand side of a “road”/track going downhill while you are actually meant to go through a [falling apart] gate to the left where you can hear the bee hives buzzing away to the side as you go down the hill to the kiln. Here the markers suddenly change into orange tipped metal poles for some reason.
It’s a very interesting area to explore but a little dangerous due to the height so be careful. We visited in July and there was still frost in the shade at 2pm. It almost looked like a forest where you would expect to see wolves lower down when you stand at the top of the kiln. Well worth a visit!